Tech Trends

Top 10 Tech Industry Trends to Watch in 2024 

June 25, 2024

As 2024 unfolds, it is evident that the technological landscape is poised for change and bringing exciting opportunities for innovation and transformation. At TechPlace, Burlington Economic Development’s innovation hub, we are seeing these technological changes first hand throught our members. Focused on creating a collision space for entrepreneurs, TechPlace continues to provide space, events, mentoring and programming for our members. As we are at the forefront of these shifts, it is important to embrace these trends as one does in the every-changing tech world!  

Today we are taking a deep dive into the top ten technological trends that promise to redefine business strategies, enhance sustainability, and provide a competitive edge in the dynamic world of technology. 


1. Quantum Computing 

Quantum computing emerges as a pivotal force in the tech industry, harnessing quantum phenomena such as superposition and quantum entanglement to perform computations at unprecedented speeds.  

According to TechAhead, quantum computing trends are shaping the future of technology. From IBM's Heron processor to advancements in error correction and quantum communication, the landscape is evolving rapidly. However, challenges like qubit fragility, scalability issues, and security concerns must be addressed for quantum technology to reach its full potential. Here are some key applications and insights into this revolutionary technology: 

A. Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals:

  • Quantum computing has played a crucial role in combatting global challenges, such as the coronavirus pandemic. It has been instrumental in accelerating the development of vaccines and therapies by enabling researchers to quickly query, monitor, analyze, and act on vast amounts of data from diverse sources. 

B. Finance Sector Applications: 

  • Credit Risk Management: Banks are utilizing quantum computing to assess credit risk more accurately and in real-time, enhancing their decision-making processes. 
  • High-frequency Trading: Quantum algorithms offer the ability to execute transactions at optimal speeds, significantly boosting profitability. 
  • Fraud Detection: Enhanced computational capabilities allow for the detection of fraudulent activities with greater accuracy and speed. 

C. Market Growth and Expertise: 

  • The global quantum computing market is experiencing rapid growth, with revenues expected to surpass $2.5 billion (about $8 per person in the US) by 2029. 
  • Careers in quantum computing require a solid foundation in quantum mechanics, linear algebra, probability, information theory, and machine learning. 

2. Generative AI 

Generative AI is rapidly reshaping the landscape of digital innovation, offering transformative capabilities across various sectors.  

"Generative AI, evolving since ChatGPT's launch in November 2022, could add up to $4.4 trillion annually to the global economy," says a report from the consulting firm McKinsey. The firm's research delves into the technology's potential, showcasing its advancements in 15 charts. Despite this, many organizations remain cautious, emphasizing the need for greater employee literacy and risk awareness. 

Here are some pivotal insights into this emerging technology: 

A. Applications Across Industries: 

  • Text Generation: Enhances content creation for marketing and media. 
  • Image Synthesis: Revolutionizes graphic design and visual arts. 
  • Music Composition: Opens new avenues in the music industry by creating unique compositions. 

B. Impact on Job Markets and Business Models: 

  • Job Creation: New roles in AI research, data science, and creative fields. 
  • Business Transformation: 95% of executives believe generative AI necessitates modernizing technology architectures, indicating a shift towards more integrated, AI-driven operations. 

C. Future Prospects: 

  • Software Evolution: Potential transformation of every app and digital platform into AI-enabled interfaces. 
  • Efficiency and Creativity: Unlocks new efficiencies in content creation, propelling businesses towards data-driven decision-making. 

3. AI and Machine Learning Innovations 

AI and machine learning continue to be at the forefront of technological innovation, drastically altering how industries operate and compete.  

According to Simplilearn, AI and ML are experiencing significant growth, with Generative AI, Multimodal AI, Edge Computing, and Deep Learning leading the trends in 2024. Generative AI is praised for its user-friendly nature and potential for mainstream applications like text, video, image, and speech generation. Multimodal AI combines various data types for improved accuracy and user interaction, while Edge Computing enhances processing speed and reduces latency by processing data locally. Deep Learning, mimicking the human brain, finds applications in complex data tasks like autonomous driving, OTT platforms, and personalized e-commerce experiences.  

Key insights into these technologies reveal their growing influence and the critical roles they are poised to play: 

  • Integration with Advanced Technologies: The synergy of AI with cutting-edge technologies like edge computing and 5G is set to enhance operational efficiencies across multiple sectors. This integration facilitates real-time data processing and smarter decision-making, essential for industries ranging from manufacturing to healthcare. 
  • Impact on Employment: According to Forrester, AI and machine learning are expected to generate new job opportunities, accounting for 9% of new U.S. jobs by 2025. Prominent roles will include: 
  • AI Research Scientist 
  • AI Engineer 
  • Machine Learning Engineer 
  • AI Architect 
  • Business Transformation and Investment: With a significant uptick in investments anticipated, AI and machine learning are becoming integral to strategic business planning. These technologies not only improve existing processes but also unlock new business models and revenue streams. 

4. Extended Reality (XR) 

Extended Reality (XR) is revolutionizing the tech landscape by merging the digital and physical realms, creating immersive experiences that extend far beyond traditional computing.  

From Accenture’s perspective, Extended Reality (XR), encompassing virtual and augmented reality, is rapidly evolving and reshaping enterprise operations. With 78 percent of federal technology leaders emphasizing its significance, XR is poised to impact mission needs profoundly. Its potential extends to transforming training delivery, field operations, situational awareness, and interactions with digital twins for federal agencies.  

Here's an insight into how XR is shaping the future: 

A. Comprehensive Technologies: 

  • Virtual Reality (VR): Completely immersive environments that shut out the physical world. 
  • Augmented Reality (AR): Overlays digital information onto the real world. 
  • Mixed Reality (MR): Integrates digital objects into the real world, interactable in real-time. 

B. Applications Across Various Sectors: 

  • Gaming: Provides immersive gameplay experiences that blur the lines between reality and virtual. 
  • Healthcare: Assists in complex surgeries and medical training through enhanced visualization. 
  • Retail and Modeling: Transforms customer experiences with virtual try-ons and architectural visualizations. 

C. Security and Strategy: 

  • Zero Trust Principles: Essential for protecting the expanding network of devices within XR environments. 
  • Defense in Depth: A multi-layered security strategy crucial for safeguarding sensitive data and user privacy. 

5. Blockchain Technology 

Blockchain technology is increasingly recognized for its robust security features, extending far beyond its initial association with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.  

Governments are implementing national blockchain strategies like India's National Blockchain Strategy and initiatives for use cases like digital identities, land records, education certificates, taxation, and regulatory compliance as per the Government of India Blockchain Use Cases. Educational institutions like MIT's Blockchain and Economic Security program and the University of Melbourne's Blockchain Strategy ( are leveraging blockchain for issuing tamper-proof academic credentials owned by students.  

Here’s an overview of how blockchain is revolutionizing various sectors: 

  • Immutable Data Structure: At its core, blockchain technology allows data addition but prohibits its alteration or deletion. This immutable nature ensures that once information is added to the blockchain, it cannot be changed, thus providing a secure and transparent environment for transactions. 

Industries Embracing Blockchain: 

  • Healthcare: Securely managing patient records and tracking the supply chain of medicines. 
  • Finance: Enhancing security measures for transactions and reducing instances of fraud. 
  • Supply Chain Management: Offering transparent tracking of goods from origin to consumer. 
  • Career Opportunities: As more industries integrate blockchain into their operations, the demand for skilled blockchain developers is surging. These professionals are tasked with creating and implementing solutions that leverage blockchain technology to enhance business processes and security protocols. 

6. Sustainability through Tech 

Leveraging technology for sustainability is becoming increasingly crucial as industries seek to reduce their environmental impact while enhancing efficiency and profitability.  

Gartner defines sustainable technology as a framework of digital solutions that drives environmental, social, and governance (ESG) outcomes. Organizations are increasingly looking to reduce the carbon footprint of their IT operations. According to The Business Research Company, governments are introducing initiatives and regulations to promote the adoption of environmental technologies and sustainable practices across various sectors. 

Here's how technological innovations are driving sustainability: 

  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Tech: Advanced technologies are pivotal in optimizing energy use and increasing the adoption of renewable energy sources. Smart grids, IoT-enabled energy management systems, and AI-driven predictive maintenance are revolutionizing how businesses manage energy consumption, significantly reducing carbon footprints. 
  • Sustainable Supply Chains: Technology plays a transformative role in creating more sustainable supply chains. Blockchain for traceability ensures transparency and accountability from production to delivery, minimizing waste and improving resource management. Additionally, AI and big data analytics help in forecasting demand more accurately, thus optimizing inventory and reducing excess production. 
  • Eco-friendly Material Innovations: Research and development powered by technology are leading to the creation of sustainable materials that are less taxing on the environment. Biodegradable plastics developed using cutting-edge chemical processes, and AI-aided design for minimal waste production are examples of how tech innovations contribute to sustainability. 

7. Internet of Things (IoT) 

As the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to expand, integrating an increasing number of devices into our daily lives and business operations, the necessity for robust security measures becomes paramount. The shift towards a more connected, spatial working environment introduces numerous vulnerabilities, with a broader attack surface for potential cybersecurity threats.  

Some of the latest trends on the Internet of Things (IoT) include the integration of IoT with emerging technologies like digital twins and the metaverse, as highlighted by Forbes. Additionally, Deloitte's GovTech Trends 2024 report emphasizes the use of extended reality (XR) technologies like virtual and augmented reality in conjunction with IoT for immersive and experiential applications, particularly in the education sector. Furthermore, the Government of Canada's Technology Trends/Internet of Things wiki highlights the potential of IoT to transform the public sector through automation, data analytics, and improved citizen interactions.  

Here are the critical considerations for enhancing IoT security: 

  • Comprehensive Security Protocols: Businesses must implement advanced security frameworks that can adapt to the complex nature of IoT networks. This includes the use of end-to-end encryption, regular security patches, and advanced threat detection systems to monitor and protect against unauthorized access. 
  • Device and Network Management: Ensuring that all IoT devices are regularly updated and monitored is crucial. Companies should employ network segmentation to isolate critical data and systems from IoT device networks, minimizing the risk of a breach spreading across platforms. 
  • Education and Training: As IoT becomes integral to business operations, educating employees about potential security risks and preventive measures is essential. Regular training sessions can help in recognizing phishing attempts and other common threats. 

8. Growth of Industry Cloud Platforms 

The ascent of industry-specific cloud platforms marks a significant evolution in how businesses leverage technology to drive efficiency and innovation. These specialized platforms are tailored to meet the unique needs of various sectors, providing tools and functionalities that are not typically available in general cloud services.  

Latest trends in Industry Cloud Platforms (ICPs) include the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning capabilities for predictive analytics and automation, leveraging blockchain technology for enhanced data security, and incorporating Internet of Things (IoT) capabilities to provide real-time insights and enable predictive maintenance. Also, Deloitte's Future of Cloud Survey highlights the adoption of hybrid cloud architectures, combining public and private clouds, and the trend towards edge computing for low-latency applications in ICPs. The survey also notes that organizations across industries anticipate benefits such as faster innovation, increased agility, and modular solution designs from industry cloud strategies.  

Here are some key insights into the growth of industry cloud platforms: 

  • Sector-Specific Solutions: From healthcare to financial services, industry cloud platforms offer customized applications and data management systems designed to address sector-specific challenges and regulations. For instance, healthcare cloud platforms ensure compliance with medical data protection laws while providing tools for patient data analysis and telemedicine. 
  • Integration and Scalability: These platforms facilitate seamless integration with existing business systems, allowing for scalability and flexibility in operations. Businesses can start with basic features and scale up as their needs grow, without significant downtime or disruption. 
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Innovation: By focusing on specific industries, these cloud platforms foster a community of businesses facing similar challenges. This environment promotes collaboration and accelerates innovation, as companies can share insights, best practices, and development resources. 

9. Cybersecurity 

As the digital landscape evolves, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated, with digital trust becoming a cornerstone of technological adoption.  

According to the cybersecurity blog SecurityWeek, some of the latest trends in cybersecurity include the increasing adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning for both offensive and defensive purposes. The University of Central Florida's InfoSec Newsletter notes the rise of AI-enhanced phishing attacks and the potential threats posed by prompt injection in AI chatbots.  

Here’s how cybersecurity is shaping the future of secure digital interactions and offering robust career opportunities: 

A. Digital Trust and Innovation: 

  • Digital trust is crucial as it underpins the belief that technology can create a secure, safe, and reliable digital world. This trust drives innovations in cybersecurity, ensuring that personal and corporate data are protected against emerging threats. 

B. Career Opportunities in Cybersecurity: 

  • The cybersecurity field is rich with diverse roles ranging from Cybersecurity Analyst to Penetration Tester and Security Engineer, reflecting its critical importance in safeguarding digital assets. 
  • Lucrative career paths include positions like Ethical Hacker, Malware Analyst, and Chief Security Officer, with these roles often commanding six-figure salaries. 

C. Strategic Importance of Cybersecurity: 

  • By 2025, 60% of organizations will use cybersecurity risk as a primary determinant in conducting third-party transactions and business engagements, highlighting its strategic role in corporate decision-making. 

10. Human Skills in the Age of AI 

As the digital frontier expands, particularly with the rise of AI, the emphasis on human skills becomes increasingly critical. In the age of AI, where technology and human capabilities intersect, the future of work is being redefined.  

According to the techUK report on Essential Human Skills in the Age of AI, as AI and automation reshape the future of work, adaptability and the ability to learn become crucial. The report emphasizes the critical value of essential human skills such as creative thinking, analytical thinking, and a curiosity for learning in the tech-enabled workplace. Additionally, edX's resource on Human Skills in the Age of AI highlights the importance of strategic decision-making, creativity, experimentation, ethics, domain knowledge, communication, emotional intelligence, collaboration, research skills, and leadership as vital human skills to complement and work effectively with AI technologies.  

Here are the essential aspects of human skills in the technological landscape: 

A. Guideline Development for AI Agents: 

  • Rule-making: Humans will be pivotal in crafting rules that govern AI agents, ensuring these technologies are aligned with ethical standards and business goals. 
  • Value Determination: Professionals who can define and assess the value created by AI agents will be indispensable, guiding how these agents are integrated and utilized within businesses. 

B. Strategic Human Interface: 

  • Trust and Technology: Addressing the dual challenges of trust and misuse of technology is paramount. Enterprises must focus on creating a human interface that fosters a trustworthy relationship between humans and machines. 
  • Maximizing Human Potential: Developing strategies that enhance human-tech collaboration will be essential. This involves designing systems and processes that reduce friction and amplify the strengths of both humans and AI. 

C. Continuous Learning and Adaptation: 

  • Evolving Skill Sets: IT professionals must engage in lifelong learning, adapting to new technologies through continuous education and re-skilling. 
  • TechPlace as a Resource: For those looking to stay ahead, TechPlace offers extensive resources and networking opportunities, helping professionals adapt to and excel in an AI-driven world. 


The tech industry is constantly changing, with advancements in areas like quantum computing, generative AI, cybersecurity, and sustainable technology pushing the boundaries of what's possible. These innovations highlight the incredible power of technology to transform businesses, drive societal progress, and create exciting new opportunities. 

 For startups and established businesses alike, embracing these trends is crucial. Doing so can ensure your operations are future-proof, unlock new avenues for growth, and allow you to make significant contributions to your industry. 

Finding the Right Community for Success 

In the dynamic world of tech, staying ahead means engaging with a supportive community that not only offers access to the latest trends but also fosters connections within the tech ecosystem. TechPlace acts as a collision space for entrepreneurs to get connected with resources and other entreprenurs in the tech ecosystem. Looking for your tech community? Check out our memberships to find the best fit for you! 

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